Pla d'Acció Comunitària de la Verneda i La Pau
Necessitat: Fer més treball comunitari en salut
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Robinson, M; Tilford, S; Branney, P; Kinsella, K. (2014): Championing mental health at work: emerging practice from innovative projects in the UK. Health Promotion International, 29, 3, 583–595
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Necessitat: Prevenció i cura de la salut mental amb la comunitat
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Zhang, R; Eschler, J; Reddy. (2018): Online Support Groups for Depression in China: Culturally Shaped Interactions and Motivations. Computer Supported Cooperative Work, 27, 3-6, 327-354
Necessitat: Alfabetització en salut
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Polak, R; Pober, D; Morris, A; Arieli, R; Moore, M; Berry, E; Ziv, M. (2018): Improving Adherence to Mediterranean-Style Diet With a Community Culinary Coaching Program: Methodology Development and Process Evaluation. Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 41(3), 181-193.
Spielman, S. E., Golembeski, C. A., Northridge, M. E., Vaughan, R. D., Swaner, R., Jean-Louis, B, Sclar, E. D. (2006): Interdisciplinary Planning for Healthier Communities: Findings from the Harlem Children’s Zone Asthma Initiative. Journal of the American Planning Association, 72(1), 100–108
Northridge, M. E., Jean-Louis, B., Shoemaker, K., & Nicholas, S. (2002). Advancing population health in the Harlem Children’s Zone Project. Sozial- Und Präventivmedizin, 47(4), 201–202
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